

With increasing legislative and regulatory conditions about the way charities must operate and report, the Theme & Variations Foundation ensures the Foundation meets professional governance and compliance standards across its full range of activities. Overhead expenses are minimal. All the board positions are honorary, mailing and promotional activities are charged at cost.

Piers Lane interviewing 2016 award recipient Alexander Yau

Our Mission

The Theme & Variations Foundation’s mission is to provide financial support and encouragement for exceptional young Australian pianists. This will be achieved by providing financial assistance towards scholarships, bursaries and prizes for Australian citizens or permanent residents of Australia who are currently enrolled in an approved course of study in recognised Australian or overseas secondary or tertiary institutions. Recipients of the Foundation’s scholarships and awards may get access to:

  • events run by recognised music teaching institutions for students
  • help with travel and accommodation costs and tuition fees
  • performance opportunities
  • masterclass opportunities

The board is currently looking into all of the above ways in which support can be provided. The Foundation will review its grants programs each year to ensure they remain relevant to developments in the performance world.

Our People

Nyree Vartoukian


Ara Vartoukian


Piers Lane

Patron and International concert pianist

Alexander Gavrylyuk

Ambassador and International concert pianist

Adjudicators who have assisted us in selecting our award recipients:

Alexander Gavrylyuk

2021 Adjudicator

Roland Peelman AM

 2020, 2022 Assessment Panel

Andrea Lam

2023 Assessment Panel

Our Board

Chris Levy


Anita Levy


Fraser McEwing

Education Liaison

Ara Vartoukian

Artistic Advisor

Nyree Vartoukian

Events Adviser

Roberta Haski

Legal Adviser

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